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Sustainability Journey of Amusement Parks

Published On: 26 July 2024

In the tourism industry, amusement parks are indispensable, every year attracting millions of visitors, providing a variety of entertainment and recreational activities. This process is integral to the economy establishing employment opportunities and an improved tourism experience.

Amusement parks can be notably energy intensive and resource consuming, so their environmental effects are a worthy concern. Comprehensive sustainability plans are needed to guarantee the long-term sustainability of amusement park operations.

One of the major factors that contribute to the greenhouse gas emission and overall environmental effect is the energy consumption in the amusement park industry. Hence, it becomes imperative to assess the footprint of the environment and mitigate emissions and resource uses to the maximum making the amusement park business in compliance with sustainable operations.

The results of the impact assessment underscore the importance of a integrated method for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and water use in amusement parks. These results showed the necessity for the introduction of decarbonization strategies, the application of energy-efficiency approaches, and the dissemination of water preservation norms across the sector. In doing so, not only will amusement parks help reduce their impact on the environment, but they will also be able to avoid additional costs and improve operational efficiency.

The need to practice sustainability in the amusement park sector is critical for the environment and commerce alike. We can evaluate energy, water, and carbon emissions of theme parks and facilities as ESG projects. The assessment will include totals for energy and water usage and will break down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into three categories: Scope 1 direct emissions, Scope 2 indirect emissions from energy provided by other parties, and Scope 3 emissions. We will provide more details on the scope later in the report.


We will conduct an assessment revealing that the theme parks and facilities have significant greenhouse gas emissions. The analysis is expected to show that most emissions are associated with off-site energy generation, highlighting the potential for reducing environmental impact through measures like decreasing electrical consumption, transitioning to green energy sources, and implementing on-site renewable energy solutions and find out the possible way to get carbon credit through clean energy aligned with International CarbonCredit Standard. Additionally, we will pinpoint the major sources of these greenhouse gas emissions.

To address these emissions, we will recommend strategies such as replacing fossil fuel equipment with cleaner alternatives, phasing out high GHG emission refrigerants in AC units, and implementing enhanced controls on HVAC equipment. As part of the investigation, all sites will submit utility, refrigerant, and mobile fuel data. This data, collected in late 2021, will be analyzed for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.